The higher Delta E values that are higher numbers and visible on the teal and near-teal color circles suggest those colors are not as accurately represented in this digital image file as the other colors, which all measure favorably toward 3 or 4-star FADGI standards.
As targets are a consistent item and we know what it should look like when scanned accurately, it can be a helpful quick tool to confirm when equipment isn't performing as desired. In this instance, scans were looking too dark but it wasn't obvious the added contrast was problematic on all materials. The target and FADGI testing here is helpful in diagnosing baseline performance, and led to exploring simple adjustments to improve accuracy with collaborators who do their own digitization work in the library.
The Tonescale graph improved with adjusted settings on the flatbed scanner (exposure accuracy, how light/dark it looks... just a little darker than ideal here overall except in the darkest darks). The visualization of the data makes it easier to pinpoint the issue and illustrate the improvements.
Here's an example from the testing results from our software. You can see where a neutral reproduction would be (the dotted line) and the curved line is the rendering that the settings on the scanner are producing. The dip represents the darkness we're seeing.
The bottom image shows more contrast while the upper image appears flatter, and has less visible detail in the darks.
The right image shows more contrast while the left image appears flatter, and has less visible detail in the darks.
Screenshot depicting the differences in the darkest darks from a fully FADGI compliant image (lighter) and one that is 10% off (darker, showing more variation in detail and texture).
Lightness Tab selected, the graph shows horizontal and vertical gray slant lines measured favorably, reaching past 250 dots per inch (dpi) resolving at 50% amplitude and past 550dpi at 10%, toward the highest effective resolution Nyquist Frequency aim for an image captured at 605dpi.
FADGI - ISO 19624 Target showing sRGB colorspace readouts
FADGI - ISO 19624 Target showing LAB colorspace readouts
Screenshot of software showing results of a 100% 4 Star Target Image File
Screenshot of a photograph of a medium item level target being measured for accuracy against the measurements taken physically in the areas outlined by bright green, referred to as Regions of Interest (ROIs).
Our first 100% 4-star complaint batch of files was part of the WWI Map Collection, from the Map Library, digitized in February 2023.