Units of Measurement
au - Astronomical Units. Approximately the average distance between the earth and the sun
aphelion distance - distance between an object’s orbit point farthest from the sun
perihilion distance - distance between an object’s orbit point closest to the sun
semi-major axes - an object’s mean distance from the sun
NEO - Near Earth Object. Asteroids or comets with a perihelion distance less than or equal to 1.3 astronomical units
NEA - Near Earth Asteroid
NEC - Near Earth Comet
PHA - Potentially Hazardous Asteroids. Asteroids with the potential to make close approaches to earth. PHAs are classified based on their minimum orbit intersection distance and absolute magnitude.
NEA classifications
Amor - An asteroid whose orbit is outside of Earth’s orbit (but within Mars’). Named after asteroid 1221 Amor.
Apollo - An asteroid whose orbit crosses earth’s orbit and whose average distance from the sun is larger than Earth’s. Named after asteroid 1862 Apollo.
Aten - An asteroid whose orbit crosses earth’s orbit and whose average distance from the sun is smaller than Earth’s. Named after asteroid 2062 Aten.
Atira - Also known as an Interior-Earth Asteroid (IEA). An asteroid whose orbit is within the earth’s orbit. Named after asteroid 163693 Atira