Platōnos hapanta ta sōzomena = Platonis opera quæ extant omnia.
Descriptive Information
- Title
- Platōnos hapanta ta sōzomena = Platonis opera quæ extant omnia.
- Description
- This edition of the Timaeus contains the translation and notes of Jean de Serres (1540-1598), a Calvinist Huguenot who sought to extirpate Neoplatonic elements from translation and commentary on Platonic works. Serres’ aim was to perceive the doctrine of Plato through study of the original texts. His work was published in 1578 by fellow Huguenot Henri II Estienne (1528/1531-1598) and dedicated to Queen Elizabeth I. The famous reference system known as “Stephanus pagination” was based upon the numbering in this edition of the Platonic corpus. The Latin translation of each Platonic dialogue is set alongside an edition of the original Greek text. Marginal notes give references to other philosophical texts, such as Cicero. Notably, Serres’ explanations do not refer to popular Neoplatonic commentaries such as those by Calcidius and Proclus. The pages displayed correspond to the section of the Timaeus in which the composition and other characteristics of the world’s body are described.
- Call Number (click link to view in library catalog)
- XQ. 881 P51578
- Authors
- Plato.
- Full Title
- Platōnos hapanta ta sōzomena = Platonis opera quæ extant omnia. Ex nova Ioannis Serrani interpretatione, perpetuis eiusdẽ notis illustrata: quibus & methodus & doctrinæ summa breuiter & perspicuè indicatur. Eivsdem annotationes in quosdam suæ illius interpretationis locos. Henr. Stephani de quorundam locorum interpretatione iudicium, & multorum contextus græci emendatio.
- Date
- 1578
- Publisher
- excudebat Henr Stephanus
- Location
- [Genevæ?]
- Language
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Rights
This item is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here: The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions at - Type
- Text
- Medium
- Book
- Bibliographic Citation
- Plato., Jean de Serres, and Henri Estienne. Platōnos hapanta ta sōzomena = Platonis opera quæ extant omnia. Genevæ? excudebat Henr. Stephanus, 1578.